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The opening of the Crown Chakra happens at the age of 14-21. This is a wider age gap than what I usually like to give, however, it really does depend on the maturity level of the individual.

This Chakra opens us to divine consciousness and positive ideas of the Universe towards us. This is a concept that is difficult to grasp at a younger age.  We naturally move through the first  4 chakras without having to “work” for it.  It is when we reach the Heart Chakra, that we have to start becoming more and more self realized, in order to continue our ascension through the rest of the Chakra system.

Those that are open to the Crown Chakra understand that we are Spirit form having a human experience in a human body, and all that goes along with this, including death.The energies that are the base of the power of this Chakra, heartfelt connections with one’s own spirituality are the beliefs in one’s abilities and life values.

The Crown Chakra allows us to see our world from another perspective….our higher self. It is through the higher self that we can become compassionate and forgiving to others and ourselves.  Seeing the world from our higher self also allows us the opportunity to see our life like a chess game.  Witnessing first hand what we will need to do to achieve….step 1, step 2, step 3.  With this understanding we are now empowered to ask for exactly what we need, AND, are able to see it delivered to us as oppose to those who are not working from the Crown, receive what they need and can’t see it because they are so caught up in their own stories and quagmire.

There are no opinions or convictions on this level – only the state of acceptance. This is the sensation of a positive approach toward the world, a feeling of harmony.