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This information is provided to you as preliminary information to be able to start to understand where in the body psychosomatic illness may begin.  It is by understanding the energetics that these parts of the body represent, which can help you start to break down and understanding of some of the physical, mental and emotional challenges you may be facing.

We will start here by understanding what the different zones / areas /splits in the body represent.  This information will be required when you are looking at the aspects of your own personal ailments.

left right splitLeft and right splits: left and right split can actually be seen in the way we shape our physical body. You might notice that one side of your body has a denser muscle mass than the other side. There’s even correlations of the way you reach out. Reaching out with the left hand is associated with reaching out in a receptive way where as reaching out with the right hand is associated with reaching out in an active and aggressive fashion.

It also been observed that, depending on the type of emotion that a person is working through, in the time of significant sadness,  you might notice a tear either in the left or the right eye. Now at the optic nerve the brain actually switches and controls the opposite side of the body, so what this means is, the left side of the body is controlled by right brain and right side of the body control is controlled by left brain. So in observance of the release of emotion from people, usually generating in tears, it would be interesting if you notice that a tear came from the right side of the head which controls the left side of the body which is the more feminine side of the body or whether the tear comes from the left eye which controls the right side of the body which would mean to be a more masculine assertive based in motion.

It is even been noted by Dr. Lebayer, a French obstetrician that the nature of the delivery room at the time the child is delivered can very clearly and distinctly demonstrate whether the child will prefer a dominant right side of the body or a dominant left side of the body. The right side of the body being chosen more often when the child has been delivered in an insensitive environment with harsh lights and harsh sound aggressive actions and movements. And the child will choose the left side of the body is being a dominant side of the bottom if the environment to which she was born was for more friendly kind soft gentle non-dominating non-domineering.

Left Right Face Split

Here is an effective representation of Left and Right splits of my own face. The center image is the original photo.  I find it amazing how much heavier and denser the Right (masculine side) of my face is compared to the Left (feminine side). So, through this example, you can see how our different sides form differently, reacting to your personality.  I can confirm that I do have a very analytical mind and do find that, at times, it likes to over-ride the creative side of myself.  this picture is representative of my personality.

Top Bottom SplitTop /  bottom split: The easiest way to understand how a person relates to their top and bottom split is to look at how your excess weight is distributed throughout the body. When the lower half of the body is proportionately larger than the upper half,  the individual is better in dealing with home-i-ness, are more stabilized, more grounded and private about aspects of their life.

A person that has a disproportionate smaller top half of the body shows that self expression, self-assertion and communication is underdeveloped. So with this body mind, the individuals personality has over developed the private internal aspects of himself, to the exclusion of the expressive parts.

If the top half is large and the bottom half is small this person is over developed in his ability to be expressive social and assertive, and the thin legs demonstrate a lack of strength and fortitude in regards to self-expression and self-assertion. As result this person will have a big personality but will be unable to stand his ground. He will be a mover and a shaker, more prone to action, rather than a homebody.

Front / back split; It is generally found that we hold our most powerful emotions those emotions such as anger and fear, the ones that we don’t want to face…. the ones that are terrifying and fearful, we will stash these in the back part of our front/ back split. Where the front part of this split is putting our face on in our social attitudes and how we present yourself to the world.

Head Body SplitHead / body split: Is the split between our body mind, intellect feeling, and reason and intuition. It is my opinion that this is the body split that most of my clients fall victim to. It is definitely very easy to ignore the body while they are trying to improve the intellect.







Torso Limb SplitTorso / limbs split: It is interesting when you’re looking at the torso and limbs split when you have a large barrel torso and weak limbs of course the torso, as we discussed earlier is about the personality, does well presenting oneself where the limbs; the arms and the legs are about reaching out into the world so if you have a large barrel chest and weak limbs means that you are not able to comfortably ask for help and reach out into the world to bring things to you. These people will often feel bottled up because he feels each of themselves with their own feelings but feel in mobilized to be able to act on them.

On the other hand people with thin torsos will tend to spend more time, and is more comfortable in activity, than in spending quiet time or  time alone.




women-men-bodyfatOne of the last issues we need to discuss is tissue quality.  Here is some brief information regarding tissues and muscle quality.

  • Excess tissue means that energetically you are active and sensitive, not flowing freely; restricted
  • Balanced tissue quality means that you have adequate coverage, a free flow and distribution of personal energy and are a support to others.
  • Insufficient tissue quality means that you have a low sensitivity, are usually withhold expression and responsiveness.
  • Muscle tone that strong and flexible means a strong mind and quick to act and react, good healthy energy flow.
  • Flaccid, soft muscle tone lacks mental drive, direction and purpose and low energy flow.
  • Hard and inflexible muscle means high mental control, insensitivity, withholding energy.
  • Muscle that has a fatty layer means that you are in complete protection mode and going internal.

I know that there is a lot of information here that may or may not make sense.  It is crucial to your overall understanding moving forward that you have a place to reference this information.

Now that most of the ground work has been done, let’s get to work understanding our own bodies better, piece by piece.

If you have any questions, or require further information, please post your questions at so that others may benefit from your questions too.

Legal Footnote:

The Healing Guide, Carol Surbey makes no claims to be a Doctor and therefor can not prescribe, diagnose, treat, or mitigate existing health issues. Any health related information in this series is for educational purposes only. None of the information should be misconstrued as medical advice. The ultimate responsibility for your choices and their effect(s) on your health are yours and before applying any therapy or use of herbs, supplements, etc. you should consult your health care provider.

Understanding that the nature of Energy Work is yours to behold, and The Healing Guide, Carol Surbey will not be held responsible, in any way, shape or form, for any changes to current medical conditions.