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I get a lot of questions regarding the Throat Chakra, including “How can I tell if my Throat Chakra is Under/Over active?” and “Why do people never hear me?”, or “Why am I constantly being mis-understood or mis-heard?”.

How about those other judgements of being called “flakey”, “wishy-washy” or “unreliable”.

What if I told you that these perceptions can be adjusted just by strengthening your Throat Chakra.  By finding the balance within the Throat Chakra, puts you in a position to create everlasting change in your life.

Also, learn by your spouse or your boss never “hears” you …and…learn to be cautious of overlaying on yourself, and accepting responsibility for another persons Throat Chakra issues.

In addition to creating a deeper understanding of Over/Underactive Throat Chakra, I have also included some exercises to assist you in strengthening this Chakra.  Enjoy!

Here is a link to the Yoga pose I was referring to:  The Lion