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Your Sacral Chakra is where your Personal Power is held. When you suffer from old hurt, abandonment…or you have problems with your lower abdomen…these are all signals from the Sacral Chakra….a way to speak (so to speak) to you.

When you pay attention to what the Sacral Chakra has to tell you, you will realize that many of the filters created by this Chakra, were created at the age of 2.  If you have not addressed and “re-written” many of these filters, your automatic, sub-conciuos response will always be similar to that of this 2 year old.

Try this EFT (Emotional Freedom Technique / Tapping) technique to assist you in releasing old orgone energy created by these filters, resulting in a re-write to to speak, to update your reactions and responses to reflect the more mature “you”.


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