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To continue on with our series on the Sacral Chakra, here are some fun actives that you can do to enhance and balance your Sacral Chakra

The Sacral Chakra is about pleasure, creativity and sexuality, so here are some ways to give yourself pleasure:

  • Have a nap
  • Get a manicure
  • Tantric Lovemaking
  • Cook nurturing meals

Don’f forget to Chakracize the physical areas of your body where your Sacral Chakra lives.

Here is more on what activities the Sacral Chakra enjoys.

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Draw your self as a Tree.  Grab some crayons or pencil crayons and a big sheet of paper. Take a deep breath and imagine yourself as a tree….. and draw that tree.

  • What shape are you?
  • How deep are your roots?
  • How many colours are your leaves/branches?
  • How tall are you?
  • Do you grow higher than the surrounding trees?
  • Are you on the edge of a cliff so you have a view?

There are lots of things to imagine, and because this tree represents you, you can look any way you want, and be any where you want to be!