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In studying the Sacral Chakra this month, we are learning how to psyically “check-in” with this Second Chakra.

 Do you find that you have constant Bladder infections or having trouble getting pregnant?

Maybe you feel as though you have lost your creativity? Do you allow yourself to feel “pleasure”? Pleasure in tasting the food that you eat, pleasure of the sun on your face, pleasure in playing with your children….. 

We also address the energetic shifts that are occurring and how these shifts are effecting and changing our regular patterns, to reflect the new energies that we are feeling.

Wondering why the divorce rate is so high? There are some side effects that come with the Age of Aquarius, and it’s not always about Divorce being the dis-satisfaction of each other, but divorce of the typical “rules” and “laws” that always accompany that relationship….Watch for some pretty interesting information on that too!

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