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In learning to support your Root Chakra, a very good exercise to learn is to Belly Breath.

Belly Breathing relaxes and de-toxifies the body. The physical motion of the breath assists in moving the energy around the Root Chakra, allowing for shifts to happen.

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Stand with feet shoulder width apart.

Inhale, allowing your belly to expand. Deep breath filling your lungs to 70%-80% capacity.

***remember, this is about health….it is not about judging what you look like when you belly is expanded.  Allow it to happen.***

Hold for 2-3 seconds.

Create a small “O” shape opening with your mouth.

Using your abdominal muscles, contract your belly to expell the breath.

The Exhale should take twice as long as the inhale.

Hold for 2-3 seconds.

Do the exercise for a minimum of 5 rotations.

After you have completed the exercises, stand in place for 30 seconds to allow your body to integrate.