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It is my intention to post relevant information on different healing modalities and techniques. Some of the writing is my own, if not, it is clearly labeled so you may refer to the information directly.

Grounding through your Root Chakra. Claiming your voice and your space on the Earth.  It is where you go to centre your thoughts, calm yourself and centre your focus.

I’m sure many of you know what your Chakras are.  For those of your who so not, Chakras are Energy Vortexes that lie on different areas of your body that effect different aspects of your physical and emotional being.

All Chakras have several access points through the body.  These Chakra points are based on the bodies matrix.

A quick and easy place to access your Root Chakra is at the base of the palm of the hand. Look at your palm and you will notice at the base of the palm, there is a “fatty” area on the left and right. Right above your wrists “bracelets”. Right dead centre between these “fatty” areas imagine a finger print size circle. This is your Root Chakra access point.

Best practise if to massage or press on this point. Feel free to use massage oil or hand crème if you have some handy. Take a couple of deep, centering breaths. Be sure to do the Root Chakra point on both hands. Now, before that next big meeting or any time you are feeling nervous, just take a few minutes to massage your root chakra point.