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 How can you grab and hold onto the means to improve your health and vitality quickly and easily?

  • No huge learning curve

  • No peer pressure

  • Learn at your own pace

  • 100% natural

Does any of this sound familiar?

Are you exchanging one job for another, but, never really getting ahead in your position or income?

Terminating old relationships, and finding yourself in a new relationship that is fundamentally the same?

Thinking you are making strides ahead in your 5 year plan, but there is always a reason for you to not “get ahead”?


Are you trying to make changes, but find in the long run you are stuck inside the same consistent, familiar contexts, traditions and identities?


The information available here will empower you to…………

……Fire your personal trainer……..

……Quit Weight Watchers……

……Lock out your psychiatrist!……

…..Take control of what your life looks like….


POWER of S.H.E. Workshop Series


..A personalized journey to explore your highest understanding about your current level of well-being, how it was created, and what you must do to bring about the changes you want.

The very techniques that support your physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health.




This first section of this 4 part workshop series, the PULSE of S.H.E., we will teach you aspects of feeling better….healing and connecting to yourself…. how it must begin on the inside and how to apply what you learn, easily into your daily life. We address:

...the physical…


 #1 The Physical……..It is our experience that more than 85% of the women that we come in contact with are totally disconnected with their physical bodies.  What this means is that they are only working in the mental headthe could‘s, should’s and gotta-be’s and they have very little in the way of sensations in the physical body.  

They eat, but they can not tell when they are full.

They feel not necessarily for themselves, definitely for others. They cannot tell how those feelings are affecting their own body in the form of a “block” or a “bottle-neck” of energy.

They walk, but spend so much time in the logical mind, that the effects of the exercise cannot permeate through the mental shield to benefit the body.

They are tired but will not rest.


“Can the body really be capable of this?”

“You bet your booty it can!”


Between not being able to physically feel your body and the resistance built into the survival instincts of your sub-conscious ….it is REALLY HARD TO MAKE PERMANENT CHANGES to your health, your mental wellness, your routine, and all other aspects of your life.

Don’t worry…

In our Level 1 Workshop, the PULSE of S.H.E. we teach you a body to mind connection process that, when followed, will make long lasting, permanent changes in the way your mental mind connects to the physical body AND allows you to soothe the resistance in the sub=conscious at the same time.

We have also included information on how to start to tap into your intuition, because, knowing where to feel intuition in the physical body is your first steps to being able to access it.



Teaching you to use your innate wisdom to release emotional blocks!





In the second section of this 4 part workshop series, the SECRETS of S.H.E. we teach you aspects how to recognize, register and come to terms with your inner self.self awareness…. recognizing how this inner self plays in and around your life.. We address:

…the emotional…

#2 The Emotional….Your attention will then be brought to feeling the ‘pain’ blocks in your creative energy, many of which have been repressed for a long time.  Our processes will assist you in clearing these blockages creating clarity, compassion, and understanding, opening you up to be able to accept the “emotional realities” of those around you without being drawn into the drama.

We have compassion for others, but not ourselves, resulting in Rolling Shoulder.

Creating a life void of Joy, not taking advantage of the “breathe of life” will result in Lung issues.

We cannot seem to “give ourselves a break”, which will result in weak bone issues such as Osteoporosis.

Inner rage that we are unwilling to express will result in High Blood Pressure; when released, our Core Rage will come rushing to our own assistance as Courage


When we do not pay attention to the emotional pain in our body it manifests as physical pain to tell you to sit up and pay attention, something is not right.

We have got you covered!

In our Level 2 workshop, the SECRETS of S.H.E. we give you tools to understand the different aspects of the Emotional Level and how to have effective control over the emotions to positively benefit your day to day living.

This information will have you look at and evaluate your identity, habits and perspectives, and give you the tools to re-invent, renew and re-forge from the inside out.

We provide you with basic information on your emotional centers and how to physically adjust them, resulting in adjustments to your emotions. You will feel stronger and safer knowing that you have the capacity to effectively deal with all emotional turmoil that may come your way.







In the third part of the 4 part workshop series, the KEYS of S.H.E. we address:

…the mental…

#3 The Mental….

We will start you opening to the dis-orienting time between releasing the old habits, perspectives and identity and creating new habits, new perspectives and a new identity that serves you.

In allowing yourself to be the new and more authentic you, you become something that is much simpler and easier to self-manage. Instead of doing a “number of things”, simply doing one thing….being you.

Did you know you can use the mental aspect of the body to benefit our perceptions and heighten our intuition and creativity?





In the final part of this 4 part workshop series, the EMBERS of S.H.E. we address:


….the spiritual…

#4 The Spiritual

We will put all of your learning together to empower you to emerge as a butterfly from the cocoon, with a whole new understanding, identity, form and way of being in the world. As your own authority on you, you are now free to quit playing small, unleash your talents, your gifts and all that makes you uniquely you…without fear or apology.