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Welcome to the Partnership Chakra. This chakra is also know as the Sacral Chakra, the Orange Chakra, the Second Chakra and the Sex Chakra. As we get further into discussion about this chakra, it is interesting how we morph from the tribal energies of the first chakra; your first level or ring of family, to the second level including extended family, friends, acquaintances and co-workers.

Learning to protect your own energy, maintaining personal boundaries and keeping yourself physically safe are the responsibility of this Chakra. This Chakra also represents our first opportunity to experience a Chakra with 2 vortexes….the Feeling Center in the front and the Will Center in the back.

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We also learn most of our unconscious beliefs held in the Chakra by the time we are 2 years old. Looking back at your own personal relationships with children under 2, I wonder how you would change those interactions just know this little tid bit of information alone.

In this video we have use an Energy Medicine technique to help you start to calm the fears of the 2 year old self.

As always, #BodyTalkRevolution appreciates all feedback, or, if you have any further questions on this subject, I encourage you to ask.




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