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This video is directed at understanding the difference between the physical and emotional aspects of the heart.

The physical is the heart that is the muscle.  The functioning organ within your body that moves blood and oxygen and keeps your physical body in motion.  The emotional heart etheric place within us all where love comes from.

Sometime, through the crapola that is delivered to us all in this world, we place an emotional overlay over our physical heart, resulting in the terms “heartbroken”, “I’ll die without you”…etc.

You must learn to be cautious with these emotional overlays, that they do not end up in actual physical illness.  Remember, the law of attraction is all about giving you what you want.

In learning about and understanding the story in your heart, you are now in a position to open it us, offer forgiveness….also known s “Forward giving” and releasing heart issues by releasing illusions.

Let me speak with you about your language, your overlays, and the importance of forgiveness in maintaining overall health.

[youtube id=”5m768EfX6lA” align=”center” mode=”normal” autoplay=”no” maxwidth=”500″]

How are your lungs and your breathing? Are you able to obtain the “Breathe of Life?”…or are you able to “come up for air?”

Let’s go over some information on the Heart Chakra and how to check that your are not “breaking” it.