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There are certain activities, when done purposefully, will assist you in clearing you Heart Chakra.

My ABSOLUTE FAVORITE (and it works equally well for all chakras) is just a simple walk..with a twist.

When you walk for your chakras, you can’t “do it” because you were told to, or “do it” to get it done….you must “do it” because you want to.  When you want to, you will take the time and attention yours chakras need to fully relax, open and balance.

When you are walking, take notice of your surroundings.  Feel the branches of the trees removing the “spidy webs” caught in your aura.  Listen to the language of the birds and other animals.  Is there children laughing, dogs barking, squeals of delight….or quiet?


Enjoy this video that offers you more insight into opening your Heart Chakra.


[youtube id=”CrZnYE1uIy8&list=UUEfX1jdnqMMTjVr3BTR3S5Q” align=”center” mode=”normal” maxwidth=”600″]