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Being is a conscious state. Let’s have a conversation about 3 things you should address to elevate this state of awareness.



Hi everyone!
Have you ever thought about what the habit of being is?
Well, let’s talk about it!
We’re going to bring up your vibration, talk about forgiveness, & talk about the contrast you need to bring into your life!
Hi there, I’m the Healing Guide, Carol Surbey.
Thank you so much for joining me here today! So today we’re talking about the Habit of Being. In order to maintain habit around being, there are a couple of different things that you have to tangibly and authentically think about and work into your day stay structure.
The first one would be to work on raising your vibration. Now, what is really great ways to do this? It is to set aside time for meditation. What meditation does is it really provides an opportunity for that monkey mind, for that could’ve, would’ve, should’ve mind to have time to be set aside & to allow the free flow of thinking to come in to your day today.
When we allow that goodness to come into our day to day, what we do is we allow that goodness to stay with us and get higher and higher and higher and better and better and better vibrations. What we are doing is we’re creating momentum, so, creating momentum to raise your vibration, to move forward and create…. which is another word for manifest… you manifest / create by raising your vibration, to raise your vibration is to set your monkey mind aside and a good way to do that, easy, starter way to do that, is through meditation.
Now, another way that we can get into the Habit of Being….. A lot of you guys are not going to like this…… FORGIVENESS! Now, the Habit of Forgiveness is not about necessarily saying to someone “forgive you for being an ass***e” in my life.
Forgiveness is more about you, yeah, you heard me! Forgiveness is about you! Because when you have a situation or occurrence or something that happened in your life, if you don’t step out of it, then you’re in it, and, you’re in it all the time……. it becomes this quagmire. It is like getting stuck in the mud puddle….. is this quagmire that you cannot get out of. You know what it’s like when you’re stuck in the mud puddle 4 x 4ng…. and you’re stuck in the mud….. what is that? It’s a build up a resistance. When you not interested in forgiveness, then you build up and you retain resistance.
The other thing that forgiveness does is it opens up the value around you are at this moment, versus, who you actually want to be. So, where you really are, as opposed to, where you want to go.
In order to be able to move forward and go where you want to go, you got to get out of the quagmire, out of that mud puddle that you’re stuck in. So, I have a question for you when it comes to forgiveness.
Do you have something is happened in your life that you need to forgive somebody else for?
The average person the answer is “yes”.
So that being answered, now are you ready to forgive them for their actions?
Some of you are going to say “yes” and some of you’re going to say “no”, but, that’s not the real point. The point is, can you forgive yourself for your contributions in allowing whatever that action/activity was….. So for example: can you forgive yourself for your actions and reactions and keeping yourself stuck in the mud in response to your protectiveness of self? Example; when it comes to that bullying incident that you had in Grade 7.
A little bit different way look at it?
So you were bullied in Grade 7, and this is just an example, are you going to stay there for ever and ever until death do you part? In that mindset of that 12-year-old kid…. this feeling sorry for themselves….this feeling sad…. this feeling unprotected. Are you going to stay in that pile of shit for the rest of your life? If you are that’s okay, it’s your decision, if, you say right now NO DAMN WAY am I going to do that!…… then you are ready for forgiveness and you start with forgiveness of self.
“Self, I am sorry that I have been so satisfied with staying in that quagmire of that 12-year-old bully incident that I couldn’t even see it, or even recognizes it to step out of it. “
“Now, with the opportunity of releasing resistance, I might not know the total infractions of what that incident played in my life, but, at this point in time, from this point forward, I will do what I can to not only forgive myself, but, to release it, let it go, past is past, let it stay there.”
Deep breathe.
How does that feel? Pretty cool?
In doing forgiveness, the next part is to realize the contrast in your life. Contrast…. what is that? Here/there, up/ down, black/white…… Contrast is to realize the difference of where you are vs where you want to be. The great part is when you can see the discrepancy of where you are and where you want to be; you might not know the complete and total path out how to get from one to the other. From there you can start to create deliberate action to move yourself forward…..from where you are now, to where you want to be.
I hope you find this information helpful. I hope you find it inspiring. I hope that you find these Habits of Being, habits that you can start to instill into your day today length to start to improve the vitality the momentum and the manifestation that you want to bring forward for yourself thank you so much for joining me today on the Healing Guide TV, I’ll look forward to see you next time. So long!