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If you have ever felt the magical draw of horses, this event is for you!

These Equine Therapy horses have an ability to know what you need, without judgement or pretense. Reflecting your inner Power & Authority. Assisting you to embody it with Clarity!

An intimate 1 1/2 day workshop where you empower your life…to live your passion…to live your purpose!

In the Creative Equine Passion and Purpose Empowerment workshop you receive the tools to confirm your path, then, create the very tools that with keep you focused and supported on your journey.


2014-09-09 19.50.11 photo 4 Feather Spirit Wand with the Power of Black and Soul Soothing Feather Spirit Wand; for the Sacral Chakra, featuring Carnelian, Peacock and the vibrant colour of Orange

You will be creating your very own taking stick with leather, feathers and crystals.  You will create this very personal item to anchor in your own Hopes; your tool to pull you through to achieve your dreams and desired outcomes, and assist you in being able to take that out into the world. Your knowledge and truths, your  insights, your love and wisdom!!! To assist you in keeping on your path as you talk your talk.


Burning Bowl Dec 2014 (4) Burning Bowl Dec 2014 (2) 2015 - Jan Equine Burning Bowl Ceremony (5) 2015 - Jan Equine Burning Bowl Ceremony (6)

You will be supported by the horses as each person will receive a session with the therapy horses during this workshop. Working with the horses, you will receive messages that will embody the energy that will ignite your passion and put on purpose. Once you have this energy in you, you will be able to step into your future with confidence.



8 spots available

Mystic Waters Ranch, Langley, BC

Lunch is included

Earlybird: Register before March 26 and save $50.00

sign up now

Workshop Co-Facilitated By:

Mystic-Waters-Ranch-Logo-webBrenda Brown
Mystic Waters Ranch

Brenda gives you the opportunity heal your mind, body and soul with compassion, understanding and years of experience.  Working with clients in a Naturopathic clinic for over 12  years and over 25 years of working with horses, her insights will assist  you to releasing layers of unwanted emotions, beliefs, patterns and traumas in a loving and supportive way.

The-Healing-Guide-CircleCarol Surbey
Energy Expert +Trainer

Carol has grown up sensitive to energy and has expanded her formal education on the subject since 2008. It is Carol’s dream to educate clients on how your personal energy fields effect your risks of illness and dis-ease, and to let you know that with some patients and kindness, you can take positive and affirmative steps to create a healthy and radiant future