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I would LOVE to take a moment to have this conversation with you! 

So, you need some “healing”?

What is it that makes you think that? Why “Healing”? Why not just go to the local Spa-Utopia, pay your $160.00 (+tip) for a Hot Stone Massage, and be done with it?

You would FEEL GREAT, takes hardly any time at all!! Easy!


Are you still here?……………

Maybe you realize that you need more than what Spa-Utopia has to offer? You realize you need something deeper? Are you maybe looking to make a significant change in your life? Tired of the same old, same old, and looking for a route past what currently exists?

OK then, now you are the person that I want to work with!

I am interested in working with the individual who wants to experience the miracle of Energy work on its’ own merit, or, as an enhancement and support to an existing medical routine.


As an Energetic Healer, I am trained to assist you in increasing your energetic vibration.  Through the process of transference, I am able to gather energy from Mother Earth and run it through my body, out my hands, where I can direct it to specific areas of your body to aid you in increasing your vibration…making it move faster.  The neat thing about vibration and Energy is the faster vibration wins.  The clients’ vibration will rise to match the “healers” vibration, at this point, the “healer” is trained to entrain to new vibration into the client.


 As a working mother, I realize time and efficiency are important to my clients, so, I have designed my programs to give you OPTIMUM results in a very short period of time!

If you are still here, reading about what I have to say, then I think you have a preliminary understanding of how I work.  You and I are accountable for your results and I don`t mess around with a lot of “excuses“, “ands“ or “buts`. I encourage you to look at my PROGRAMS. They are considerate of time, energy and cost.

Let’s have a quick look at the variety of sessions I offer.

Individual Sessions:

This is what I recommend for those that have never experienced an Energy session before.  A 1.25 hour Reiki session, Chelation or Chakra Clearing session is a good starting point for those that are not sure what to expect from Energy work.

Healing Matrix:

Matrix work is starting to address the entire energy system in the body.  It is a more in-depth program that requires several sessions. Starting with a Chelation that release stuck energy in the Spine, the next step includes Chakra clearing on each Chakra starting with the Root.  I offer 2 packages;  4 session Healing Matrix Program or 8 session Healing Matrix Program.

My VIP Programs allow us to work one-on-one, then gives the client the opportunity to take the information and apply it to their daily lives. You will also have access to me between sessions so you are supported when you come across an issue that you are having particular problem with.

Please feel free to contact me for further information or to make an appointment.