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Do you wish you could start a daily meditation practise?

Do you feel under the gun to connect to your source to get the intuitive information you feel you need to move forward in your day? Is this “should”, “coulda” or “have-to” not really working for you?

Many gurus in the energy business recommend that you do a daily meditation practice. I value the idea of a meditation practice; however, find that for me it is very difficult to maintain this practise on a daily basis. If you’re like me you have kids, you have a business or a job, you have other chores that need to be done and your attention always seems to be dragged to other spaces.

In the interest of sharing and understanding how energy works within a person’s life, I thought that I would take this opportunity to introduce to you a couple of the energy techniques that I personally use on a daily basis which assist me in opening my energy.

The thing about energy work is it doesn’t necessarily have to be about physically doing something. A lot of this kind of work can be done very quietly, within your own mind, anywhere….. at any time. That’s what I’m about, I like to make it easy for people, so it’s not this overwhelming thing….. you can rally just use these energy based practices at any time, any day.

I have come up with the following list of things I do on a regular basis to keep my intuition open and thought your might benefit from the share.

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  1. When I wake up in the morning and even before I get out of bed, I just say THANK YOU for this day! As I roll over and put my feet on the floor, walking down the hall heading towards the kitchen for my first cup of coffee (put your favorite beverage here) I say to myself quietly, in my head, “I wonder what fabulous things are going to come today”?
2. During my morning shower routine, I imagine that all the soapsuds are picking up and carrying all worries, residual energy, cares…..whatever might stand in your way of the day. Carrying all of it down the drain to never be seen again. That leaves my personal energy fresh and open to receive what comes in the day.

soap bubbles

Also, during my morning shower routine, I take a moment to THANK my body. Many of us have gotten into the habit of being disgusted by our bodies, or angry at our bodies, or, (insert your favorite word here). I have learned to embrace my body, because, without my body I would not be able to do all the things I need to do in any day.

• I would not be able to type

• I would not be able to be present

• I would not be able to pick up my kids from school

• I would not be able to enjoy my favorite beverage, enjoy my favorite meal, or enjoy petting my dog.

So, in the overall scheme of things, your body is very important to you! Make it a habit to thank your body every single day. Any issues I have with my body are not because of my actual body, but rather issues I have that are being reflected by the language of my body……and what I have done to my body as a result.

For example, you would not say “stupid lungs” because you are a smoker and got lung cancer. The lung cancer is a reflection of the smoking, which is a reflection of your desire to transmute events (usually past negative events), which is a result of your emotions not wanting to face events straight on. See how that works?

3. I have a couple of jewelry pieces that are used specifically for enhancing my energy for the day. I have specific ones for balancing masculine and feminine and others for energetic protection if I’m doing healing work. I choose my jewelry of the day based on what I will be doing. Sometimes, some pieces just jump out at me and ask to be worn. So when this happens I do my best to honor whatever piece is asking and where it because I know that there’s an underlying reason for it.
4. As I move throughout my day I continue to check how grounded I am. You don’t have to be obsessive about this, you just need to be aware of it. 3-4 times a day should be enough to keep you as grounded as you need to be so that you can receive intuitive information, and you can’t be pushed around. Being grounded will literally empower you to stand your ground.
5. I have also found the value of the power of prayer, which I normally do at meal time. A quick little prayer in my head at the time of any meal I find nourishes my body, I don’t eat as much, it makes me mindful, and it brings my awareness to any company that I maybe with, bring my awareness to the company, it creates a desire for interaction and intimacy in the form of conversation (a form of mindfulness).

meal breakfast
6. In the evening I have an alarm bell set for 8:30 PM. It goes off every evening. This chime reminds me to take a moment, even if it’s just inside your head take, to take a moment and list a few things that you’re grateful for throughout the day. Becoming more grateful you will show you more things that you can become grateful for!

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7. One of the last thing I do in the evening, as I’m going to bed, is to put some of my favorite essential oils on the bottom of my feet just before I tuck my feet under the covers. You can use whatever your favorite essential oil is that will assist you in deep sleep, anger release, digestion, anything that you need to have serve you at this point in time.
8. I take my blankey…. Yes…… I sleep with a blankey.
My blanket is green, and it is beautiful, and I wrap it around me. I think of the green Chakra energy of the blanket, wrapping me in love… Those of you that know chakra energy, the green chakra is the heart chakra which is the energy of love, and, it also happens to be the universal the color of money! So in wrapping myself in my blanket, I also think of the money that flows into my life to support me and my family! Support of the things that we require in life, and in the things that we want to do. The green heart chakra blanket also supports me in love…… love of myself….love of my community… love of my family and my children and, most importantly, it makes me feel loved. What do you have currently that you can use to support yourself in a similar way. Maybe it is a sweatshirt, a blanket, a sweater….something that reminds you that you are supported.


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9. As a last note, and this is a little more permenant, I have coloured my hair. Initially I did not understand why I wanted to, I just knew I wanted some blue in my hair, and I knew that I wanted it around my ears.

It is only recently that I understand the reason why I wanted this done. The reason is that blue is the colour of the communication Chakra (throat) and in strategically placing this around my ears I have opened my ear chakras to greater forms of communications (generally from spirit).

So these are some of the things that I do throughout the day to day basis to keep me in the flow of energy. As you can see they are simple easy to implement easy to use techniques.

I would love your feedback! I would love to know if you yourself use any of these tools or these processes? I would love to know if I’ve given you any inspiration for any new ideas around energy work and how you can implement it in your own life?