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Little girl with the flu - isolated

Viruses are not spiritually rooted. However, if the immune system is down, colds will take root. Spiritual rooted problem is in a broken immune system. People tend to get sick more when an event is about to take place in their life. Why? Because the pressure is on – people get offended easier, and brokenness of heart happens – self-doubt, guilt and so forth roots up and now you have a broken immune system open to any floating virus.

The virus itself is not a spiritually rooted problem, but letting it in, is. Keep protected by walking daily – especially during stressful times – in forgiveness with others and toward self. You are just as valuable when the even is NOT happening as when it is. Monitor your heart daily – don’t think something little between you and another won’t matter – any broken-ness matters – get it resolved quickly, then the virus cannot take root.

Watch my video on mending a broken heart: