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If your goal is to strengthen your willpower then you need to focus on one thing and follow it through. By accomplishing this you will have met all the requirements for developing your willpower. You will have made a choice, taken steps to follow it through, and you will have exercised your self discipline.

Will Power Infographic edited

The above doesn’t really sound that hard to accomplish, but for many people having the discipline to follow through and reach a goal is extremely difficult. How many times have you planned to start a new project on Monday and by Friday it has been long forgotten about?

Your first step to strengthen your willpower is to set a goal. This alone takes willpower and the ability to make a good decision. Your goal could be learning something new, starting an exercise routine or committing to cutting out sugar in your diet.

Any of these things immediately places you outside your comfort zone and you automatically start to think of ways to not perform this action regularly. Even something as remembering to watch your posture as you sit on your computer uses your willpower.

The best way to instill this new habit or reach your goal is to consistently be aware of your surroundings and your choices. If you have a sore back and want to improve your posture, then you need to remind yourself of this each time you sit at the computer. By being more aware of your actions you can stay focused on improving your situation.

Each time you check your posture you are enforcing your willpower and you are following through by taking corrective measures. As this becomes a habit you will discover that your willpower has become stronger in other areas of your life as well.

As you create good habits you will be faced with fewer temptations and fewer desires. Instead you will feel stronger and you will display more confidence to those people around you. Your friends and family may notice that you have changed, but they can’t put their finger on what has changed exactly.

It is also important to remember that when you focus on using your willpower you are depleting your energy sources. This is why it is important not to set too many goals at once. If you do, you will only feel overwhelmed and tired, plus your good intentions will fly out of the window.   Using your willpower also takes rest, so, get your sleep.  Being this vigilant can be exhausting.  Be gentle on yourself and take one step at a time.  The last thing is to be sure you pump up your oxytocin.  When you are depleted in oxytocin it will be like banging your head against the wall and your success will be limited.

Death to stock Marzocco Coffee 4How do you bump up Oxytocin…well, drink coffee, laugh, eat chocolate and have orgasmic sex.

Let me know how it goes!

IF you find you just can’t make the changes you want to make, then I suggest you look at Hypnotherapy, Time Line Therapy ® and NLP, all as ways to bypass the conscious mind and patterned behaviors.

Contact Omineca Healing Institute for a FREE 30 min call…let’s see if we can help!