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We all know what IBS is.  That feeling in the stomach that can range from slightly unsettled to on the verge of vomiting.  For each person IBS shows in the body just a little differently.

Some people feel IBS as soon as the food is swallowed.  They feel it moving down the esophagus and then, zoonk, hit’s their belly and works its’ way painfully through the entire abdomen until it is released.

Many people suffering from the correlating gas, bloating, constipation or diarrhea, choose to use pharma items such as Antacids to ease their pain.  These combined symptoms are the second most common reason people seek medical attention.

You may have also tried eating smaller meals, avoiding or eliminating certain foods, reducing alcohol consumption and drink plenty of water.

There are several other illnesses that look like IBS / Gastral Distress, but are not. Get tested by your Naturalpath / Doctor.  Look-a-like illnesses that have similar symptoms include:  Endometriosis ,  Habba Syndrome, irritable gallbladder, Fibromyalgia, Candida and stomach cancer.

If this sounds like you, I am glad that you are taking the steps you need to to ensure your physical health to the best of your ability.  What if I told you there is more you can do?

It is well documented that physical illness / disease, starts as an emotion.  It is true that a sad thought can bring a tear, or rage can send you trembling.  Emotionally significant events imprint themselves into your energy system and have also been know to adjust your DNA! ( Biology of Belief, Dr. Bruce Lipton)

So, what kind of thoughts can bring on IBS?

Well, this is not quite as simple as that.  The first thing you need to know is where does the IBS cause you pain?


Physical: IBS that occurs in the stomach region, with the intestine not effected, I would ask the following questions:

-What emotional conflict were you in that left you feeling “punched in the stomach”?

-What has happened around you that you continue to “not be able to stomach”?

-What is “eating at you”?

-Are you avoiding or ignoring a “gut feeling”?

-Is the IBS making you feel physically unbalanced, front to back (feeling vs will) or left to right (masculine vs. feminine)?

Emotional: Indicates a tendency towards “failure”, which leaves you unable to stomach a situation or a person that is around you.  You have significant resistance to ideas, especially those that come from other sources, because, it reinforces you cruel self-criticism.

Mental: Your stomach is trying to make you aware of the futility of resisting trying new things and new ideas.  You and you alone have the ability to make powerful and permanent changes in your life, however, this will require you to embrace and focus the energy that surrounds you.

Spiritual: Feel what you are holding in your stomach and ask Source to remove all futility, resistance, fear of failure, self-criticism and all other feelings that are being held there, whether you are aware of them or not.  Imagine a fire with beautiful, licking, purple flame.  Remove all of these feelings and place them into the fire where they can be transmuted. As you watch the transformation, state ” I let go of…..fear, worry, resistance, guilt, arrogance and rejection.  I welcome love, joy, peace and wholeness.” Continue to repeat and breath deeply until you sense the shift.

Below your belly button:

Physical: IBS that occurs around the belly button area (small intestine), I would ask the following questions:

-What details of my life am I having trouble assimilating?

-What do I really need in my life? What is gravy? What can be rid of?

-Am I feeling supported?  If not, why?

-Am I feeling rejected and not taking the initiative to be included?

-Am I extending myself beyond what is comfortable so that I do not create discomfort to others?

-Do you perceive that people “leave you”?

Emotional: You are unwilling to accept and assimilate that which would create your own emotional stability.  You are willing to spend a lot of time on the details, rather than seeing the bigger picture as a whole, and when it comes to irritability, you are likely to “throw the baby out with the bathwater”.

Mental: Re-educate yourself about your feeling around all or nothing. There is no spiritual growth in fear and lack.

Spiritual: Feel the feelings that you feel in your Small Intestine and ask Source to remove and list the veil on all thoughts and beliefs that enforce your ideas that you deserve to be left/unloved.  Ask Source to clear all thoughts on procrastination and rejection.  Ask Source to show you what it feels like to be clear, focused, loved, determined and centered.  Ask Source to create healing in your Intestine on a cellular level.

Pelvic Region:

Physical: IBS that occurs in the Pelvic region (large intestine) resulting in constipation or diarrhea, I would ask the following questions:

-What am I holding onto / can’t wait to get rid of?

-Why am I not willing to look to my future?

-What is it about my ability to survive in the world, do I not trust?

-Why can’t I do anything right?

-Am I capable of looking after myself, without the support of friends, family or loved ones?

Emotional: You lack an ability to let go of old ideals (constipation) / reject new ideas too quickly (diarrhea).  This is your lesson to learn to be objective and optimistic in what new experiences / people want to teach you.

Mental: Have faith in the abundance in life, however, to have this faith means that you have to believe in the abundance first.

Spiritual: Notice the feelings that are being held in the Large Intestine and ask Source to release all hurt, stagnation, lack of trust, and all points of view that contribute to this pattern.  Ask Source to show you your own ability to support your own thoughts, ideas and opinions.  To become more open minded.

As you can see, there are different nuances that need to be addressed, depending on where you are feeling a majority of your pain, as a result, the emotions behind IBS can end in resentment, guilt and condemnation.

The results are that all of these areas can be energetically addressed.  The #1 most important part of addressing your underlying emotions is to be honest in your answers to yourself.  Without honesty, you’ve got nothing. The great thing about being honest with yourself, is that you can still keep up your “stories” that you hold with others. You do not have to tell anyone about your honesty with yourself, and the revelations that come out of them.  BEWARE:  Your “stories” will only last for so long.  As you start to unravel the parts of your emotions that are causing illness, you will be forced to address all aspects of your life, and, living “dis-honestly” will no longer be tolerable.

In dealing with IBS, I recommend you  start with gaining control over the feelings around your physical security.  It is important for you to understand that you belong on this earth. The pure act of you being born, is a direct representation that you are here for a reason.  To enhance your sense of “belonging”, I recommend grounding exercises.  On of the best I have ever come across is called “Energy Circles“.  I also recommend that you do a centering exercise…..30 minutes of a meditation or a quiet activity such as coloring or painting.

I also recommend that you answer the above questions, as they pertain to you.  As you write out your answers, keep in mind what might be the common thread that stitches all of the emotions together.  Was is a divorce that resulted in you feeling punched in the stomach and kept you separated from important members of the families?  A good guideline that I like to follow, is to look for events that occurred approximately 7 years prior to the onset of the illness.

I have found that illnesses occur as a result of being unconsciously “locked in time” emotionally, to a certain event. This can happen quite unconsciously without you even being aware of it. To promise a “cure” for your illness would be irresponsible of me, however, it is my experience that once a person becomes aware of the events that have lead to illness, they can now take responsibility of consciously adjusting their responses to trigger events, accurately reflecting how and what they think at this point in their lives; in a sense, unlocking time.  The act of being honest, open and loving enough with yourself, to bear witness to your own stuck actions, is usually enough to start the physical healing.

To support your ability to Spiritually embrace these messages and create your optimal Physical, Mental and Emotional self, ask yourself the following question:

“Who would I be if I allowed myself to feel and be all of the desires that my body is asking of me?”


Follow Carol on Facebook and Instagram for tips and exercises on how to address IBS on a physical, mental, emotional and spiritual level.

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