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Blue Thyroid

The Thyroid is an Endocrine gland that is a chemical influencer in the body.  The Thyroid produces hormones that generate new cells, regenerate existing cells, maintains metabolism and oxygen consumption.

The Thyroid is situated in the Throat (Blue/5th) Chakra.  This is the Chakra where we start to communicate what we have decided we want and start to move towards what we want using our own personal will.

Most people with Thyroid issues (mostly women) develop these issues after the age of 65.  Most common side effects of Thyroid problems are depression, weight gain, low energy and sleep problems. It is interesting to note, that this age correlates with menopausal or perimenopausal women, who are at a stage in their lives where they may feel a loss of personal power or value.  The Throat Chakra also works in tandem with the Sacral Chakra and can influence Ovarian or Testicular issues.

Hyperthyroidism is an excessive/aggressive function of this gland and is your bodies way of telling you that you are putting out too much energy.  You will not allow yourself to slow because you feel the need to plan and engineer the lives of others.  You live in high expectations of yourself and others and will often act based on mis-placed motivations.

Overactive Thyroid is your message to slow down, discover what you truly need, manifest your deepest desires.  Let go of your control…even just a little bit.  Not everything is an emergency that only you can handle.  “Use your I WANT only in reference to your own needs.”

Hypothyroidism is a deficient/avoidance function of this gland.  It is your bodies way of confirming to you that you would like to be more active, however, it is also showing you that you do not ask for what you truly want and need.  Everything seems to be made for the benefit of everyone else, but not for me.You have lost contact with What You Want, and, even if you were quicker, you don’t think that you would be quick enough to get it.

Let go of the belief that you don’t have what it takes to engineer your own life.  You don’t have to ask your parents, or caregivers, for permission to have what you want in your life anymore.  You do have a right to express who you are, to develop and apply your creativity. That feeling of insecurity is now played upon by you and you alone.  There might be others that are willing to confirm it for you, but, the key to getting away from that is one step at a time, test your own capabilities…decide for yourself. Forgive those that taught you to play small and forgive yourself for perpetuating the idea that you are small. It is in your hands now….go ahead and reach for the Brass Ring.

Source: Your Body is Telling you…Love yourself.  By: Lise Bourbeau

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 Find out more about Chakras.  Here is the links to our YouTube playlists. 

Foot Chakra   Root Chakra   Sacral Chakra   Solar Plexus Chakra   Heart Chakra   Throat Chakra   Brow Chakra   Crown Chakra