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As you are learning Feather Spirit wands can be used in a variety of ways.  As a Vital Energy Healer I personally like to use the Feather Spirit Wands to assist me in Chakra clearings when my hands are “too big” and I require a gentle sensitivity.


[youtube id=”gAH2n9Zb-3s” align=”center” maxwidth=”500″]

BONUS: Breath work as we all know is a powerful way to achieve many different results.  It is my experience that when I am faced with resistance in the energy field, a couple of well placed, quick, short, outward breaths moves the energy enough to get through it. The breath should a quick burst of air that is propelled out by the diaphragm.


If you are looking to have your own Feather Spirit Wand to do some of this work, feel free to SHOP my online store.

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